The groupmembers are all mentioned
in the main story, but here is our only picture with everybody on it. It
was made in a very luxurious environment: clean cutlery, real chairs, napkins,
porcelain plates. You see them all in random order:
Ger (thorny Rose); Maggy (I'm 21);
Sylvia (I'm not!); Maurice (Cell Phone Guy); Chris (Ladykilling worldtraveler);
Raphael (Here is my laundry); Tom (Any more birds out here?); Nikki (Let's
go out of Africa); James (Prototypically British); Henk (Bumpy Bus Sleeper);
Anthony (Where is Vanessa); Vanessa (Ant, footbath ready!); Caroline (Sternschnuppen
watcher); Ton (Whiskey, Refund, Whiskey, Refund,Whiskey,
Refund, ...); Belle (Vroedvrouw); Connie (In my schoolteacher
days they would listen!). |