Botswana 'survival' September
2002 |
Okavango delta (part 2, the bushwalks) |
We go to the next campsite by truck.
When we get there the camp is a real mess. A herd of elephants has used
it previously! 

There is a small piece of water in the neighbourhood, but if you want to
swim you get out as the local mud-creature. It is a pity because it is
quit hot!.
That afternoon we make our first bushwalk
(=gamewalk). The rules are very simple. We walk in a line
and we keep our mouth shut (for some that's a real problem). Anthony tells
interesting stuff about the plants, the game and the tracks. We see the
footprints of lions, hyena, giraffe, etc. We also see excrements of all
kind of animals. We encounter baboons
kudu, vlakvarkies, some birds and a few hippo-eyes.
At night a group of baboons is sleeping
in the trees above us. After sunset they climb up. It is a lot of noise!
Just after sunrise they disappear very, very quickly. They aren't aggressive
and don't steal anything.
The second bushwalk is a long trip in a
nice environment
We walk for five hours
searching for lions. We encounter a lot of lion tracks, but we come allways
at a dead end. The chance of meeting a lion is not very big, less than
10%. Normally they smell us a lot earlier then that we can spot them and
they will disappear .What we do see are: Elephant 

Marabou Stork 
Civet, Tsesebe, Kudu
Saddlebilled Stork 
and a lot of tracks.
There is a shortage of drinking water these
days. The watertank is leaking and empty within a day. The water in the
mud pool is drinkable (Anthony says) but it doesn't taste very wel (an
englishmen called it 'murky'). Some of our fellow travelers bought a lot
of alcohol containing liquids and forgot about real drinking water. This
leads to a somewhat unpleasant situation. As a solution we get Anthony
to drive to the 'main river' of the delta. We can take a swim overthere
in the best beauty parlor of the world (incl. scrub and elephant dong) 
(Thanks Chris for this picture!) and we fill the leaking tank with river
water so we can drink something 

We don't trust this water very much but when you are thirsty you drink
everything! Nobody got sick, however. The hole of the bush-wc was deep
enough and didn't fill up to the rim
On the way back we see a drinking elephant 

He looks healthy also. A part of the group makes a third gamewalk in the
evening. But you can't have pictures from everything!