Botswana 'survival' September 2002
Zimbabwe (Victoria Falls)

We leave for Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Offcourse we first have to leave Botswana and fill in a form and receive a stamp. They don't use forms in Zimbabwe. There is a much simpler system to determine if you are qualified to enter the country. You just put 30 USD in your passport and waite for 15 minutes. You receive a stamp and you may enter the country. When you are british you are lucky. They may enter without paying. In VicFalls we stay in the DriftersInn. We have a very luxureous room with kingsize bed and private bathroom.  

We have time for ourselves overhere. There are several activities you can do but we limit ourselves to a visit to the falls (at the end of the dry season there is less water than ealier in the year, but is is still a fantastic view)  and looking around in the village. The latter thing isn't very agreable, since there are not much tourists so the locals are very desperate to sell you something. 
The first night we dine in the Drifters Inn. There is a buffet and the cook  has done his best to make it very good. After the soup we enjoy a performance of "real" african dancers.  We suppose it was specific for tourists, but we did enjoy it. This is the last evening that the group is together. The four participants which joined us in Maun leave us here. This dinner party is the last time we can take a picture of everybody 
The group ladies with guide nice Chris are also here . We design a T-Shirt as a souvenir to our trip. Offcourse our leopard (see the Botswana info page) and our itenerary (see the home page) are on it. After that we discuss flies in australie with the aussies. Sylvia has a real anti-fly head  and Rose/Ger wants to try it. Only the little corks are not there! 
The last night Ger & Henk go for dinner at the terrace of the Victoria Falls Hotel. A colonial and luxureous environment. It is very romantic! Afterwards we go to the casino. It is by far the cheapest casino we have ever seen. You buy vouchers for 50 Zim$ (= 8 dollarcent) and you can play 10 times on the slot machine with it. That's less then 1 eurocent a game. 
Henk did like the CASH button. He hoped to get some coins that way. The only effect was that the alarm went off and someone came to write a receipt (with a value of 50 Zim$ = 8 cents). Three signatures where needed: from Henk, from the man who wrote the receipt and his boss. Henk performed this trick two times... Bloody tourist! This is the only casino where you don't want to win the jackpot. It was 50.000 ZIM$. This can't be changed to other currency and when you have only a few hours to spend it you will come home with a lot of wood carvings!